Tuesday, June 25, 2013

On a lighter note

My wife pointed out to me yesterday that a lot of my posts recently have not been very uplifting, and more along the glass is half empty type of tone. So I think I just might have to change that. Yes, it's been difficult starting this new phase of our lives, and it's come with a lot of challenges, but there have also been some really great things happening.

For Example:

1. My kids are much closer to each other. This is probably due to the reduction in living space. When you don't have as much room to play, you tend to run into each other more.

2. Less Stuff. Some people would call this a negative, but it's really a positive. We've learned that we really don't need that much stuff, especially me. When we first were packing we got rid of a ton of stuff, and since we have moved we have realized that we need even less. I've gone through our closets twice since we first moved here and "reduced" as much as I can. And as far as toys go, if the kids don't see them, they don't realize that they miss them (unless it's a favorite toy.

3. Fewer Ties. Not like family ties, I'm talking actual, physical neck ties. Not that I really ever wore them before, but as I have progressed in my career, I have had to don fewer and fewer ties. When I was working at JayLynn Studios, a tie was required. Now at work I tend to dress more like this guy.

No tie thank you very much.
Of course if I do get a teaching job this all might change.

4. I get to talk to my kids. We all know what it's like to come home from work and be so completely exhausted and just spent that you don't have the energy to do anything. Since I am around so much more the kids really tend to open up to me and we get to have some real good heart to heart talks. I got a chance to talk to Nikki a lot about Heavenly Father, Baptism, Boys (yes those conversations have started, but luckily it's mostly about how gross they are). Lukas cuddles with me more, and Mollie comes to me for comfort. Like while I was writing this, Mollie stepped right over Kara (and on her hair) to come and sit on my lap. Love that.

5. Kara and I understand each other better. This is probably one of the best things. Kara understands how nice it is to come home to a clean house, folded laundry, and a hot meal (this has happened maybe once, but she has gotten a taste of it) and I understand all those times when I would come home and the house would look like a bomb went off, but the kids are happy (this is the norm for me when I'm home). I think that we are just developing a better respect for the work that we have done for each other in the past. 

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