Monday, November 23, 2015

The missing character from Inside Out!

Lukas and I are outnumbered.  In the emotion department. There was a great quote a little while ago that I believe went something Like this:

"Number One Reason why it's great to be a guy: 1 Emotion, all the time!"


Whoever unknown is, they sure hit the nail on the head. In our family we have 4 girls and 2 boys and it is very evident when you look at our playroom. We have a kitchen, a baby wash area, play food, strollers, basinets, pink stuff here, pink stuff there, pink, pink, pink. Then in one corner we have some matchbox cars, Legos, and Star Wars. Like I said, Lukas and I are a bit outnumbered. Even in my bedroom, on my nightstand, the other night I had to clear off some naked barbies, and doll clothes that had been laundered and put there (WHY)? 

I would like to pose this question to all the women out there. Why is Barbie always naked? I mean she comes perfectly clothed? What type of life lessons are we teaching our girls when their play things get and stay naked? Take a look at boy toys. When I was a kid I played with GI Joe's, He-Man, and Ninja Turtles.  With the exception of the ninja turtles, whose only clothing consisted of some knee and elbow pads and a belt, all other toys clothes were non-removable, meaning they were just a part of the toy as the toy's head.  Anyway, I digress.

Due to the unnaturally high levels of Estrogen in our household (I feel like it's flowing out the windows sometimes) the emotions seem to be very prevalent. 

We recently bought the movie Inside Out and for the most part I felt it was pretty spot on, but several characters were missing.  We have Anger (which is usually me) Joy, Sadness, Disgust, and Fear, but they forgot the emotion that is so common among my girls, Irrational. 

Some of you might think "Irrational is not an emotion, it's a thought process." Not in my house. Irrational rules around here and believe me, it's real. 

Kara works in the mornings, so it's usually up to me to get the kids off to school, pre-school, etc. I'm also in charge of breakfast, making lunches, and kindergarten pick up. Part of that is getting the kids ready. Now luckily, Kara and I wake up the kids early enough so that Kara can get the girls hair done before she has to leave, so that they are not stuck with me doing it. Now my skills have vastly improved since I first started doing hair. I have now graduated to braids and ornaments (like bows and stuff) whereas before I was limited to just brushing (it's a real skill to not rip all the hair out of their heads every morning) and the occasional rubber band pony tail at random points on their head (think Deb from Napoleon Dynamite, yeah that's about my skill level).  So most days the kids at least look good on the top of their heads. Lukas I can handle, along with London (the little top knot works great with her). 

Explosions are a common thing at my house. But instead of the traditional "Boom" and "Kapow" it usually sounds like 


or one of my favorites from Mollie,

These little explosions of estrogen happen all over the house, but mostly in the bathroom, which is probably best because there's tile and we can contain the accident, but it also amplifies the sound which can be very painful.


During most of these episodes Lukas and I are usually standing by the door, ready, and just waiting to leave. 

Ok that's a lie, but it sure was a good visual. Usually I'm arguing with Mollie the reason why I can't redo her hair like Elsa from Frozen, 


"You do realize you're talking to Dad right?"


"Can't do it, not that I won't but that I can't."

Or one of my favorite conversations, the Nikki doesn't like any of her clothes even though we just bought a whole bunch of new ones the week before.

Lukas is usually looking for his shoes.

On the bad mornings, Mollie usually ends up in time-out several times, Nikki slams her door to her room, won't come out, and blames me for the "Stress" I am putting her through. London, yells at me to give her water from a water bottle, poured into a cup, the correct cup, and not from the tap, and then randomly demanding milk.

Lukas is still trying to find his shoes, but has been distracted by some toys. 

Somehow through all this we somehow get them into the car, after Mollie has changed coats, shoes, sunglasses (yeah don't ask), and Nikki drops the bomb that her homework isn't done.

Oh yeah, Mollie does an online preschool in addition to her regular pre-school.  I hate it.

Once in the car, I try and listen to something from the adult world, like the news, or sports radio. This has been a form of contention between Nikki and I, so I finally just gave up and she now has full control of the radio.

Luckily Nikki is growing up and is learning to control her emotions, and even lets me listen to Sports Radio every once in a while. 

It's nice, after all, Nikki's 9 now, what could happen?