Monday, June 24, 2013

Kara's Birthday

Today was Kara's Birthday, and I think I blew it. No I didn't forget completely, I made the mistake of trying to set something up for the week after, telling her about it, and still trying to do something today. So it was like I did half of her birthday today, and the other half is next week. And she has a migraine.

A migraine probably caused by me. So here is how the day went. We woke up at 7:50 am (that's early for us nowadays, needs to change) and I scarf down some cereal before I have to teach my online class at 8:00 am (why did I set the time for that). So due to some bad planning, my wife had to wake up early on her birthday, feed all the kids, do the dishes, etc. I come out during the class break and she is doing laundry. I felt so bad. Good thing I bought her a gift to somehow make it up to her.

So I have to go back in to teach and I finish around 11:30 am. I come out of the bedroom, and see that Kara and the kids are outside. The sink is full of dishes and the clothes need to be put away. If I were a good husband (and I know this looking back) I would have hurried up and finished the dishes, put the clothes away, cooked dinner, and booked a hotel for the night, leaving the kids to fend for themselves (I would not have done that, please don't call DCFS). Instead I just go outside and find my wife (who at this time is starting to get a migraine but does not say anything because she is tough like that). I ask her if she wants her present, she says yes. I bring the kids inside and nearly have to threaten Nikki with her life to get her to come in from playing with friends. She says it is "Totally Unfair" and I have to remind her that today is Mommy's birthday. She then asks if I got her a present too. I have failed as a father.

Kara opens her present which is a set of jewelry that she has been eyeing for some time. I think I did good, not quite sure yet. Nikki then asks again if I got anything for her. Nikki is sent to her room. Lukas then asks what I got for him. He just did it because Nikki was doing it.

Lunch Time.

We don't really want to make lunch, and it's Kara's birthday, so we cut up the cake and eat it then, after singing Happy Birthday (with no candles). Cake was good, but then we decide to head up to Park City for the day to do some shopping (some battery acid got on Kara's nice pants.... yeah that was my fault too) so she needs some new ones.

We pack the kids in the car and Nikki throws another fit saying that we are unfair. We have to have a little sit down talk with her and talk about how when she grows up she is going to want to be friends with her family and that if she is mean to her family now (family meaning her brothers and sisters) they aren't going to want to be friends with her later. I hope she got the point, and she even offered to spend half the day with friends and the other half with family. Its a step.

We head up to Park City, and Kara shops. The only thing though is that she tends to shop for everyone but herself, and I being stupid, let her. I do manage not to wander into Nike, Pearl Izumi, or any store that I am interested in, but somehow she managed to buy me something. She found two pairs of pants that were normally $159 marked down to $6. And where did we find them? Vans? No, Banana Republic? No. Down East Outfitters, yes, the girl clothing store, in the one area that they actually sell mens stuff. I must admit they look pretty nice, but I tried some on that did not leave much to the imagination. Kara liked them, but it seems like Men's fashions are getting more form fitting and uncomfortable. Whatever happened to wide leg jeans and T-shirts? That was comfortable.

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