Sunday, June 2, 2013

Just treat me like a mom

I had a vague idea of what my wife would do while I was away at work. Mostly from the texts, blog posts and facebook updates I imagined that my wife's day consisted of taking the kids to various activities, clearance shopping at Target, and pinning things on Pinterest. Now that I am the one at home I realize that this job is not fully equipped with playdates, trips to the farm/children's museum/random fun place, and socializing activities. Mostly it's just me asking Lukas and Mollie what they want to do Today, and sometimes Lukas looks at me and says "What we try and do every day dad, try and take over the world!"

Well, we're working on that, but in the meantime, the social thing is a little bit of a difficult nut to crack.

Here is my first hindrance, I'm a dude. I am not saying that everyone around us is sexist and is avoiding me because I pee standing up, sing tenor, and do drywall in my spare time. No, not at all. I just think that the usual response from the Stay at Homes is that they think I am the student and my wife is off at the store or something and I am just there to make sure the kids don't do anything before my class starts.
This actually happens quite a bit, especially when we meet someone new. The men always ask me what I'm studying and then the women start inviting my wife to stuff. I need to start making up a fake major that sounds interesting, but something so far out there and weird that no one will be able to call my bluff or understand anything that I say when I talk about my "classes".

Second Hindrance (I like that word), we are pretty new. Some things are already established and we just have no idea about any of them. Like we just found out there's a google group for our complex and they have activities posted on there. Totally had no idea (also didn't know what a google group was). As we get more and more situated, this hindrance will hopefully be a thing of the past.

Third Hindrance, my kids are nuts, tend to scare other children, and have a habit of yelling obscenities. Not really, I just wanted to see if you were actually reading this. On to the Fourth.

Fourth Hindrance, this whole being a stay at home dad thing is filled with stuff that just isn't fun. Seriously, stuff like the dishes, the laundry, running errands, cleaning the house. There were two days where I just played with the kids and didn't do the dishes or clean the house. Yeah, we ran out of dishes and I ended up using paper plates that I found in one of our un-opened boxes. The hard thing about this, is that you can have a clean house, but you have to completely ignore your kids and let the television babysit them. Or you can have happy kids, and a house that looks like dad is the housekeeper (like Mine). Some days it takes me the whole morning to do the dishes, clean up the kids, pick up Mollie's poop, shower (only when necessary) before it's time to make Lunch and then put Mollie down for a nap.

Usually at this time Lukas looks at me and says "Dad let's watch a show and cuddle!" How do you say No to that? I'm sorry son but these dirty dishes are more important than spending quality time with you. Here, go play with this cat and cradle while I ignore you.

I usually don't mind this last part because I combine two things into one, sleeping and spending time with Lukas. Of course he doesn't know that I slept through twenty minutes of Spiderman, but we still had quality time.

So as you can see, there are a lot of reasons why we (I) am not invited to all the quetilliens (not the right spelling but a fancy word for party) and it's basically all my fault. But then again I will be busy studying for my exams so that I can get my degree in Klingon flight and weapons technology in the 18th century (that's my new "major") so I probably won't have any time for social things. But don't worry, my wife will be back at three after a seven hour trip to the grocery store (class).

Anyone want to go to the Dinosaur Museum?

Lukas knows how to work the camera

The casual barefoot, I'm relaxing on a slide pose.

Who Me? 

This one is entitled "Dad, take my picture......... Didja get it?  Lemme See."


  1. I LOVE 'take my picture, didja get it, let me see!' i actually really do, because we went through a year phase where charlie would literally not get anywhere near the camera.... now i love even more, 'here let me take YOUR picture with your $3k camera & with my tiny and exceedingly clumsy hands!' :) (And also, no, there is no way to say no to, 'let's cuddle', it's THE BEST!)

  2. It's the whole problem of playing with your kids vs getting things done.

  3. I totally get the play vs. housework thing. My oldest are 6 (twins, I started staying home with them when they were 16 months) and I'm still trying to figure it out. I've come to the conclusion that if people want to see a clean house, they shouldn't come to mine. :) One of my favorite quotes, that I will someday cross-stitch in all my abundant spare time, is "If you want to see me, come on over. If you want to see my house, make an appointment."
    I also use my 3-year old's nap time for my own down time. While school is out for the summer, that means watching a movie with the twins (my eyes may or may not be open), or reading a book. Honestly, spending some quality time with the kids and then saying "I need to go do XXX housework now" seems to work for my family. That way they aren't ignored, and the house stays somewhat put together.
    I love what you're doing to support Kara while she's in school, and thank you both for sharing this blog of your experiences!!

  4. Now that Nikki is old enough to do chores, it's getting easier. Thanks for your comment Mrs Snelly.
