Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Panic Room (bathroom)

Every so once in a while I need to escape, and that escape means a small 3 foot by 4 foot room known as the bathroom. I don't just abandon the children and head in there, I generally turn on a show and put away all sharp objects, and things that Mollie can get into (which is everything).

I have read some blogs where Moms escape into the bathroom and just sit there, and cry. I haven't cried... yet. It's not winter time so you never know.

Have you ever seen the show Panic Room? In this movie Jodie Foster's home is invaded by burglars who want to steal something in the panic room. The only problem is that Jodie Foster is in the panic room with her daughter who happens to be diabetic. She is constantly trying to keep people out of the panic room, but worried about stuff happening outside of the panic room. That's what bathroom time is like for me.

Today while using the panic room, Mollie was showing me her new lego creations by pushing them under the door, while I am just trying to get updates on the NBA playoffs (iPad).

Lukas generally leaves me alone.

Nikki is always asking me when I'm coming out. NEVER is what I tell her. Today was weird though. Here I am, getting ready for the day in the panic room, the door is closed, and I hear someone ask when I will be done. I start to respond, then think for a minute, "Who is this?"

It's Nikki's friend. What are you doing in my house? Why are you invading my panic room? My sanctuary? I generally like to know when a foreign entity enters my home.

A few weeks ago I was coming out of the shower and there's a knock at the door. I'm standing there in a towel, but Lukas runs and opens up the door and invites the person in. I have to run and stop the door from opening all the way and peek my head around the door. A very surprised BYU maintenance person (female) stares at me with wide eyes and says "I'm here to fix your shower?" Not now your aren't. Please come back later.

Since then I tell Lukas not to let anyone in whenever I am indisposed, like doing the laundry, checking on Nikki, or if I'm in the panic room.

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