Saturday, July 6, 2013

Body Parts

Lukas has been asking some questions lately, questions that almost all little boys ask, and some that I have never heard before in my life. But the way I see it, kids questions are a way for us to glimpse how they see the world.

First question: Where did Jesus get all the eyeballs?

What? Like literally, what are you talking about little man. I had to have him repeat it several times, and Lukas gladly did. He's not like an adult where if you ask them to repeat themselves multiple times they give up and tell you to forget about it.

"Hey there's a bomb."

Me: "What?"

"A Bomb!"

"What? A gong?"

"No, there's a... oh never mind."

So I asked Lukas to repeat it several times and I finally got it all in its entirety, and I was still lost. So I asked him to explain. This would have been the easier thing to do, but hey, I thought I should do it last Ok.
His response:

"Jesus made everybody, where did he get all of the eyeballs?"


Yeah, I got nothing. So I did what smart people do, they answer a questions with a question.

"Well, where do you think Jesus got the eyeballs?"

"I asked you Daddy."

Crap, now I have to come up with something. So I take a shot at the truth.

"Well, where do babies grow?"

"In Mommy's tummy."

"There, that's where the eyeballs grow too."

And that seemed to satisfy him.

Now for question number two I need to give a little bit of background. Lukas and Mollie are little enough that we usually bathe them together. That will not be happening anymore.

Question Number 2 is: "When did Mollie's penis break off?"


"When did Mollie's penis break off?"

At this point Kara happened to be listening in and explained to Lukas that girls don't have penises.
Lukas looked at us with a look of confusion and perplexity. "They don't? Well then what do they have?"

So we told him, and then he asked, "How do they go potty?"

Shoot this is going downhill fast. So we answered him (we feel it is very important to answer the questions our children ask) and then we distracted him with a ball.

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