Sunday, April 7, 2013

Down and Dirty Job

So I am a photographer as well. I really am. I actually studied photography and Art at a University and I work (meaning I get paid). I have another blog that talks about all my photo work, but this was just a unique photo shoot and very entertaining that I thought it might be interesting to post it. This last weekend I photographed one of the funnest engagement couples. They decided that they didn't want the traditional engagement photos, so they decided to go Jeeping. We took some of the traditional pictures for Mom and Grandma, but then this happened.

Luckily I was out of the jeep when this happened and my camera equipment was safe.  The couple on the other hand was completely covered in nice spring mud. We took over 300 images because we were having so much fun. This segues (pronounced segway I believe) into the next big announcement.

I GOT A JOB! Yes, I will be working, and be a stay at home dad. I got a job working for a company called flo-foto and it is perfect for our situation. I will be working as a photographer covering the color me rad and Mud Run Races. So this last shoot worked out pretty well. It's a pretty cool job because I only work on Friday and Saturday (days where Kara does not have school) and I get to fly all over the county, and get this, CANADA! Eh!!!

It seems like a perfect fit. It works with the schedule, I love photography, I love races, and I love to travel (well to a point).  The only down side is that I was really looking forward to getting season tickets to my favorite college football team, since we will be living so close to it, and now I can't. It's all good, it's a sacrifice I am willing to make for the family. Although if my wife is reading this, I just want to say, there are no races during bowl season. And I have never been to a bowl game. And I work so hard, and bowl game tickets make great Christmas gifts, and grandma can probably watch the kids, and did I mention I won't be able to go to a single regular season game? I love my wife!

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