Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Science Project

My daughter has a science project due. When this type of an assignment comes home for a 1st grader it should pretty much be assigned to the parent. Just like the Pinewood derby in Cub Scouts, or the Eagle project in Boy Scouts, it's really done by the parents. Just saying. With Nikki though, she was very active in the entire process. We've had the note from the school for ever and every night for the past month Nikki has been reminding us "We've got to do my science project." Since it's due on Wednesday (two days from now) we decided to hack it out last night. We asked Nikki what she wanted to do her project on and she kept talking about interest in planets and their rotations, and how the moon circles the earth, and how the sun comes up in the morning. I didn't know what she was talking about so we chose Gravity.

We also had grand ideas about awesome experiments demonstrating the use of gravity. A bowling ball and a feather, a ball tied to a string, a couple things I saw on Growing Pains when I was a kid. We narrowed it down to a tri-fold poster. Nothing says preparation like a tri-fold poster.

This is where I get to be real proud. I do a lot of work in Adobe Illustrator, I also teach classes on Illustrator and Nikki has been begging me to teach her how to use it. She has already mastered the Wii drawing game, plus she loves sketchbook express. So I though this was the perfect opportunity to teach her some basic illustrator skills. She's better than most beginners. Let's just leave it at that. She then told me that she wants to do what I do when she grows up (little tear in my eye right now). I then asked her why. "Because it looks fun and easy." (tear gone)

So here we are with the current version of her science project/tri-fold/beginning illustrator project.

I drew the circle.

On this one I only drew the cone and the body of the rocket.
Ok this one is all me. But she posed.


  1. Love the drawings and her photos mixed in. Good luck on being the full time dad. It's hard being a stay at home parent

  2. Don't I know it. She really did a surprisingly good job.
